Did you know that puzzles are good for you?

Puzzling is good for your brain: it makes your mind sharper, your concentration improves and your brain is challenged to learn new things. It’s a fun way to spend time and you also get a sense of accomplishment when you solve the puzzle. Also, puzzling helps you solve problems because it teaches you to think with concentration and logic. At the same time, it helps improve your motor skills. When building a jigsaw puzzle, you have to move your fingers and hands to fit pieces of different shapes and sizes together. This will strengthen your fine motor skills, which will also help you type and write better. If you haven’t done a jigsaw puzzle before, it’s really about time you did!


  1. Train your memory
    If you regularly solve puzzles, you can train your brain. Although it has not yet been proven, puzzling is said to increase your creativity and enhance your problem-solving abilities. Putting the puzzle pieces together unconsciously trains the brain. So if you’re looking for a piece, such as a piece of greenery for a little tree, you can get to it faster if you puzzle regularly.
  2. Relaxation
    Puzzling is an excellent way to calm your mind and increase your energy. It takes patience to get everything in place, but in the end you will be rewarded with the result: a beautifully finished puzzle!
  3. Me-time
    Hit the pause button and focus your full attention on the puzzle. During sports you could easily drift off to work, but in puzzling it is different. You lose yourself in the puzzle, keeping your hands and mind busy so you are completely in the “now. A little time for yourself!
  4. Happiness hormone
    By now, it is well established that there are many benefits to putting together a puzzle. Puzzling also releases a substance in the brain called dopamine. This “happiness hormone” makes you feel fulfilled with every piece you put in the right place. Once your puzzle is finished, you can hang it on the wall as a showpiece. That way you can enjoy your performance longer!

Aren’t those jigsaw puzzles incredibly boring?

Jigsaw puzzles have occupied mankind for centuries. Because of its old-fashioned image, classic jigsaw puzzles can quickly be dismissed as “boring. But nothing could be further from the truth! There are now many different types, sizes and even shapes of jigsaw puzzles for everyone from children to adults. For example, there are 3D puzzles, where you have to create a three-dimensional figure from pieces that fit together. There are also several manufacturers who wanted to make a more durable puzzle that will last even longer and have made it out of wood. These puzzles are truly unique because each puzzle piece is different and also tells something about the puzzle itself. For example, if you are puzzling a fish, there may be puzzle pieces in the shape of a shell, a jellyfish or other fish.

Photo credit: Unsplash

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